Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eldar Army - WIP Part 1

I picked up the GW spraygun and decided to give it a run in painting up my Dire Avengers. I primed these, along with the other models I have, black, which is a little unusual for me (I usually prime white), but I wanted to try some different painting techniques with this army.

Here's a primed wave serpent packing EML and TL-Shuricannon:

I started taking these photos late, so you missed the starter photos of the Dire Avengers. But here they are after a round under the spraygun (too bad I didn't get a shot of my hands!), along with one round of going over with a slightly lightened blue glaze on the raised bits:

Blue city. Just so you can see what I'm going for, here is a pic of my "test" model that I painted on Sunday:

So what I got from the Spraygun was a whole lot of blue, but overtop of the black primer it was still pretty dark, so there's not a whole lot of shading to do, which is nice. Instead, I took a blend of regal blue and dab of skull white and edged all of the raised areas. I wasn't trying to be too clean here, mostly just trying to avoid the recessed areas and highlight corners and recessed areas. Then I thinned this out and light drybrushed over most of the model to try to even out the color. Here's what I've got so far:

After that, I slapped some light gray on the helmets and tabards and called it a night.

Next steps will be adding a touch more highlighting on the edges and the raised nobby bits, hitting it with a blue glaze to even out the color shifts, and then working over the helmet and tabard with grays, whites, and a blue wash.


  1. Any chance you could post some close-ups?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you click on a photo, it opens a full-size version and you can see the detail much better.
